conservation and restoration of art

Beyond their inherent beauty, paintings and polychrome sculptures are invaluable testaments to human creativity, cultural heritage, and historical narratives. Through meticulous conservation and restoration techniques, we can safeguard these treasures, ensuring their longevity and preserving their integrity for the enjoyment and study of current and future generations. Join me in this exciting journey to rediscover the beauty, authenticity, and history of our treasures.

meet david

David Frank Bugeja is the author of this site. He is a qualified and warranted Maltese conservator-restorer, specialised in paintings and polychrome sculptures. David started his studies in 1999 and obtained his Bachelor's in Conservation Honors in 2003 and the Master's in Applied Conservation in 2007, both from the University of Malta. He was entrusted with the treatment of artworks from the Maltese national collection, churches, and private collections. David also pursued his studies in preventive conservation, using scientific equipment to slow down the deterioration of artworks. He remains committed to educating the general public and lecturing university students to inspire and guide the next generation of conservators-restorers. 

The following video titled Curing a 500-Year-Old Patient provides a sample of David's work.


This site is intended to educate, advice, and offer conservation and restoration services. The author of this site firmly believes that everyone can learn and contribute to make a difference. Even the simplest measure of placing an artwork in a better location can make a huge difference. If you have a question or require professional help, please do not hesitate to contact David.





Grazzi talli żort din il-website ta' David Frank Bugeja, konservatur u restawratur malti kwalifikat u warranted fit-trattament ta' pitturi u statwi polikkromi. Din il-websajt tipprovdi konsultazzjoni, għajnuna u informazzjoni sabiex nieħdu ħsieb it-teżori tgħana.

KURA - Konservazzjoni u Restawr ta' l-Arti
KURA is used by the author both as an abbreviation and for its meaning in Maltese: cure 
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